Atelier Simi’den: Küçük işletmelere desteğiniz için bir TEŞEKKÜR…

Your Support Means the World! - Thanks for Supporting Small Businesses!

I'd like to share a bit about us and express our gratitude for the unique experience we've created together, thanks to you.

The world of ceramics is often synonymous with quality and care. Each piece has its own story, and here at our small studio, we labor day and night to capture that essence that makes each product special. Unfortunately, this commitment to quality sometimes leads to higher costs.

 Indeed, ceramics can be a costly, especially when pursuing boutique production. Each piece is 100% hand-shaped, crafted from the finest materials, and brought to life in our kilns. However, the story behind this quality cannot be measured in terms of costs; it reveals that each product is a manifestation of passion.

I get questions about why we don't craft any alternatives at more affordable prices. Yes, this may be possible, but there is a decision point here. We never want to compromise on quality.

The work you'll purdchase;

perhaps a specially designed gift for your loved one,

a corporate gift representing the quality of your company

or a protector at the door of your hard-earned new home.

Under the roof of Atelier Simi, I remain dedicated to our primary goal of producing high-quality products that are worth every penny, just as much as you care about them.

At this juncture, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you.

You recognize the effort, care, and passion embedded in each of our work. You understand the significance of supporting small businesses.

When considering your next purchase, I want you to think about being part of a story, not just buying a product. I wish I had the chance to show everyone in person our production process and the beautiful, loving work environment we come to work in every day.
I extend a warm welcome to those who find themselves in Bodrum to visit our studio.
When you visit, you'll witness that each piece is shaped with a touch of love, a bit of effort, and most importantly, the energy we draw from you.
With love,
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