9 years ago when I started to engage with ceramics as a hobby, especially in the initial stage, I tried to replicate the products I liked and experimented with creating new things using every technique I saw.
I researched a lot and always tried to improve myself. Isn't it the same in every field of art?
In the second stage, I selected the most suitable technique among those I tried and started producing what I wanted but couldn't find in the market.
Actually, I didn't have a starting goal to create a professional brand. However, I started to produce evil eyes as a unique, handmade, and elegant corporate gift idea, which was a missing aspect I observed in my corporate life!
To be honest, before I started producing evil eyes, there wasn't a high-quality evil eye with gold decorations on the market. That's why I applied for and received a certificate of originality from the Turkish Patent Institute.
In the seven years since I started producing evil eyes, I realized, what a big gap it was when many different ceramic studios started producing similar ones quickly.

It's okay to be inspired, but when I see people trying to reproduce every detail of something I've thought about for months, even presenting them in the same felt gift case, it saddens me.
I wish the artists would focus on creating original works with the energy they put into trying to copy something one-to-one... They would embrace much more original, extraordinary design products.
Since there are a lot of imitations on the market, a lot of people ask: "Are you aware?"
Yes, I'm aware... At first, I tried very hard on my own. Unfortunately, even if you are the rightful owner, defending your rights as an individualis very difficult. Now I have a lawyer who supports me.
Making an exact copy of something you see may be the easy way.
Finding an idea,
Discovering ways to implement it,
Experimenting for months,
Reaching the final product is a very challenging journey.
It's a challenging but increadibly enjoyable journey...
Actually, when you buy an original design, you are rewarding months of effort and an original idea.

With the hope that everyone will one day find the right inspiration and discover their own original ideas...